County Executive Marc Elrich said he supports the carryout plastic bag ban that was approved by the county council this week.
“I’m looking forward to getting rid of them,” Elrich said during a media briefing Thursday.
The council unanimously approved the ban Tuesday to go into effect next year. Starting Jan. 1, 2026, retail businesses in Montgomery County will be prohibited from giving out plastic carryout bags, with some exceptions.
“I’m glad that these will be largely gone in our environment,” Elrich said. “I wish some other plastic, we could get rid of.” He mentioned plastic commercial mailers as an example.
“It’s alarming that we haven’t had a stronger voice from [U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)] on this,” he said. “It’s doubly alarming that we’re not going to have any voice from EPA going forward apparently, or from [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services], or anybody who regulates health.”
“So we take what actions we can here to do our part in our community,” Elrich said. He is prepared to sign the council’s bill.
Plastic bags will still be allowed for certain things like prescription drugs, newspapers, dry-cleaned clothes, perishable items including meat or fish, and bulk items like ice, according to council documents.
Also under the bill, the tax on paper bags will increase from five cents to 10 cents. Five cents will go to retailers, and the other five cents will go to the Water Quality Protection Charge fund. Those who use food assistance programs like SNAP and WIC are exempt from the paper bag tax.
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